+1(904) 362 - 3629 montx1@protonmail.com

Reaching for the Sky

Since 1992, more than 2.3 million youths have taken their first ride in an airplane through the EAA Young Eagles program. At the Wausau Downtown Airport in Wausau, Wisconsin, dedicated pilots and staff have been making dreams come true for even longer. The post...

A Young Eagle “Bookend” Flight

It was a beautiful day in October 2016 when 10-year-old Dakota Wagner took her first Young Eagles ride. The Greene County Airport host chapter, EAA Chapter 382, assigned her to Wayne Moyer, where she flew in a yellow-and-blue RV-12 airplane nicknamed Yellow Bird II....

Excellence From Start to Finish

Thanks to a gift from the Michigan Business Aviation Foundation and a matching gift from the Dick & Betsy DeVos Foundation, West Michigan Aviation Academy students began building a Carbon Cub EX2 in the fall of 2019. The simplicity of the large box and its 8,000...

My Young Eagles Flight

We write and share a lot of stories about our Young Eagles program and how much those first flights mean to kids, but it’s not often that we get a story like this one, straight from the source. Read...